No, this isn’t an advice column on college and married life. I never went to college, except for taking a few classes through a community college.
My daughter and I made a three-hour drive to the beach yesterday. While ordering some lunch, I noticed a paper cup sitting on top of the counter for tips. It read “Tips for College & Marriage”. Apparently, the cashier is going to college, and the cook is getting married. The cook was a young college age man, and I thought of my own son who was recently married. I want to say I gave them a tip, but I didn't have any small bills, and I wanted to give more than the little bit of change I had. I would come back.
Later, while making the traditional purchase of salt water taffy before heading home, I noticed another tip cup that read, “Tips for College”. I was tempted to pull out a pen and paper, but I didn’t, because I remembered that I hadn't really gone to college. Instead, I pulled out a single green piece of ‘paper’ and put it in the cup. I wonder if it really was for college since the boy behind the counter looked about fourteen, but I guess it’s never too early to start planning, right? Perhaps I should have told him that the best tips, "... all things that pertain to life and godliness..." can be found in God's Word.
You're a wise lady.